Temple Beth Am

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Home Services Shabbat & Festivals


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We prefer to have a lively service with melodies, rather than one which involves mainly chanting or silent prayer.

Friday evening services are conducted in a balanced mix of Hebrew and English. The prayerbook has transliteration for most of the Hebrew. The service often includes a discussion topic on the Torah or other timely subjects. We use the Siddur Lev Shalem.

Saturday morning services have more Hebrew than Friday with lots of participatory singing and a participatory Torah Service. It is very important to us that services are meaningful to everyone. Our service meets all halachic requirements while being only 2 hours long. We use the Siddur Lev Shalem and Etz Hayim Chumash.

We are proud to be one of only a few synagogues in the world to be utilizing the Sequential Triennial Torah Reading Cycle, which was used in Eretz Yisrael and neighboring areas up through the 13th Century. This allows us to have a shorter Torah reading while maintaining week-to-week continuity. It also fulfills the halachic obligation of starting each Shabbat where the previous one left off and revives a lost tradition. Because of this cycle, we often read haftarot found nowhere else.

Guests are always welcome at our services. Please check the grid below as Fri. eve. services start earlier once a month and we have several off-site services. On festivals we start earlier at 9:30 am so we end around the same time (noon).

Our standard Shabbat service schedule:

Week in month Friday Saturday
1st 7:00 pm
10:00 am
2nd 7:00 pm (with BHBI* guests) 9:30 am @ BHBI*
3rd 6:00 pm @ Ohel Avraham
10:00 am
4th 7:00 pm
9:00 AM @ Ohel Avraham
5th (when applicable) 7:00 pm @ BHBI**
10:00 am (with BHBI** guests)

* The second Shabbat of the month, members of Congregation Beth Hamedresh-Beth Israel (BHBI) join us on Friday night, and we go to their location, 1369 East Ave in the morning

** If a fifth Saturday occurs in a month, we join Congregation Beth Hamedresh-Beth Israel (BHBI) at their location, 1369 East Ave on Friday night, and their members join us on Saturday morning


Upcoming Events

Fri Mar 30 @ 7:00pm - 08:00pm
Evening Service @ BHBI
Sat Mar 31 @10:00am - 12:00pm
Shabbat Morning Service in Brighton
Fri Apr 06 @ 7:00pm - 08:00pm
Shabbat Evening Service in Brighton
Sat Apr 07 @10:00am - 12:00pm
Shabbat Morning Service in Brighton


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